Berikutdi bawah ini adalah daftar semua senjata yang ada di Resident Evil 1. Jika kamu kebingungan mencari dimana letak senjata-senjata tersebut, kamu bisa melihatnya pada gambar yang ada di paling bawah artikel yang menjelaskan bagan pada setiap map di Resident Evil 1. 1.Knife Pisau dikenal sebagai bentuk pertahanan diri terendah.

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GrandTheft Auto : San Andreas Easter Egg - Half-Life . di mana ia adalah senjata khas Gordon Freeman . Plus, di Area 69 ini sangat mirip dengan Facility Black Mesa Penelitian Half -Life (baik yang didasarkan pada area 51 yang nyata ) kalo mau mudah kok soal nya tempat ini letak strategis N gak ngilang ngilang kaya sih leather ma si
1. Senjata Jenis Lokasi Senjata Pistol GTA San Lokasi Senjata Silenced Pistol GTA San Lokasi Senjata Desert Eagle GTA San Andreas2. Senjata Jenis Lokasi Senjata Shotgun GTA San Lokasi Senjata Sawn-off Shotgun GTA San Lokasi Senjata Combat Shotgun GTA San Andreas3. Senjata Jenis Submachine Lokasi Senjata Machine Pistol Tec-9 GTA San Lokasi Senjata Machine Pistol Micro SMG GTA San Lokasi Senjata SMG GTA San Andreas4. Senjata Jenis Assault Lokasi Senjata AK47 GTA San Lokasi Senjata M4 GTA San Andreas5. Senjata Jenis Heavy Lokasi Rocket Launcher GTA San Lokasi Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher GTA San Andreas Lokasi Senjata GTA SA San Andreas – Sebelum lanjut ke kumpulan lokasi atau tempat menemukan senjata di gta san andreasnya, kami akan memberikan gambaran mengenai pembagian peta yang ada di game gta san andreas terlebih dahulu, antara lain KOTA PERTAMAPeta bagian kanan bawah. KOTA KEDUAPeta bagian kiri bawah. KOTA KETIGAPeta bagian kiri tengah. KOTA KEEMPATPeta bagian kiri atas sampai tengah atas. KOTA KELIMAPeta bagian kanan atas. Cara Install GTA SA Android Original Save Game GTA SA Android Original Full + Hitman Cara Load GTA SA Android Original Full + Hitman GTA SA PC Game Full Version Cara Install GTA SA PC Full Version Setelah Anda sudah mengetahui pembagian petanya, di bawah ini merupakan lokasi senjata yang selalu tersedia di game gta sa san andreas dari rockstar games, ketika pertama kali Anda memainkannya. 1. Senjata Jenis Pistol Lokasi Senjata Pistol GTA San Andreas Ganton kota pertama Belakang rumah Sweet lalu ke sudut kiri. Las Colinas kota pertama Di sudut kanan lahan kosong berpagar. Santa Maria Beach kota pertama Pos yang berdekatan dengan jalan. Garcia kota ketiga Di sudut gang kecil. Tierra Robada kota keempat Di samping tembok jembatan rel kereta api. Lokasi Senjata Silenced Pistol GTA San Andreas Conference Center kota pertama Di depan pintu tangga parkiran. Blackfield kota kelima Di bawah jembatan stadion balap. Lokasi Senjata Desert Eagle GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks kota pertama Di sudut pagar pembatas jalan dengan pantai. Whetstone kota kedua Di sudut kiri setelah pintu masuk. Garcia kota ketiga Di sudut gang Zero’s RC Shop. Bayside kota keempat Di sudut tembok taman. Lil’ Probe Inn kota keempat Di bawah tanjakan. 2. Senjata Jenis Shotgun Lokasi Senjata Shotgun GTA San Andreas Doherty kota ketiga Di atap pabrik. Valle Ocultado kota keempat Di atas jembatan kayu. Fort Carson kota keempat Rumah setelah tikungan jalan tanah. Pilson Intersection kota kelima Di bawah jembatan jalan tol. Lokasi Senjata Sawn-off Shotgun GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks kota pertama Di dalam box kereta kedua. East Los Santos kota pertama Di atap toko. Vinewood kota pertama Di samping gudang kecil. Palomino Creek kota pertama Di belakang rumah ketiga dari arah toko pizza. Whitewood Estates kota kelima Di belakang pabrik. Redsands West kota kelima Di belakang box gang kecil. Las Venturas Airport kota kelima Di atap gedung. Lokasi Senjata Combat Shotgun GTA San Andreas LVA Freight Depot kota kelima Di semak-semak. 3. Senjata Jenis Submachine Gun Lokasi Senjata Machine Pistol Tec-9 GTA San Andreas Ganton kota pertama Di atap rumah Sweet. Los Santos International kota pertama Di samping tembok jembatan jalan tol. Las Colinas kota pertama Di samping pagar. Mulholland kota pertama Di belakang rumah. Blueberry kota pertama Di samping gudang. Juniper Hollow kota ketiga Di samping pohon. Battery Point kota ketiga Di samping tembok jembatan jalan tol. Randolph Industrial Estate kota kelima Di samping tembok jembatan jalan tol. Lokasi Senjata Machine Pistol Micro SMG GTA San Andreas Ganton kota pertama Di bawah jembatan. East Beach kota pertama Di sudut kiri parkiran paling atas. Angel Pine kota kedua Di belakang rumah. Esplanade North kota ketiga Di depan pintu yang berdekatan dengan pagar. Verdant Meadows kota keempat Di dalam bongkaran pesawat. Redsands West kota kelima Di belakang tempat sampah. Lokasi Senjata SMG GTA San Andreas El Corona kota pertama Di samping pagar. Jefferson kota pertama Di atap motel. Las Colinas kota pertama Di atas tangga yang bersebelahan dengan rumah. Montgomery kota pertama Di belakang pagar. Ocean Flats kota ketiga Di latar rumah yang berdekatan dengan bintang polisi. El Quebrados kota keempat Di sudut belakang rumah. Starfish Casino kota kelima Di sebelah kanan parkiran paling atas. Come-A-Lot kota kelima Di lahan kecil. 4. Senjata Jenis Assault Riffle Lokasi Senjata AK47 GTA San Andreas Ocean Docks kota pertama Di dalam pabrik bawah tangga. Vinewood kota pertama Di sudut belakang gudang. Mulholland kota pertama Di sudut belakang toko. Red County kota pertama Di belakang pabrik. Foster Valley kota ketiga Di belakang bebatuan. Tierra Robada kota keempat Di samping rumah. Redsands West kota kelima Di tengah taman. The Four Dragons Casino kota kelima Di atap gedung pertama. Lokasi Senjata M4 GTA San Andreas Los Santos kota pertama Di samping tanjakan yang berdekatan dengan pagar bandara. Palisades kota ketiga Di samping pagar rumah. Restricted Area kota keempat Di bawah tangga tower. Pilgrim kota kelima Di atap rumah. 5. Senjata Jenis Heavy Artillery Lokasi Rocket Launcher GTA San Andreas Downtown Los Santos kota pertama Di atap gedung yang ada tower sinyal. Las Venturas Airport kota kelima Di sudut box kontainer. The Emerald Isle kota kelima Di sudut parkiran lantai 8. The Emerald Isle kota kelima Di atap gedung parkiran. Lokasi Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher GTA San Andreas Easter Bay Airport kota ketiga Di samping tong besar. Tierra Robada kota keempat Di samping tembok reruntuhan. Pilson Intersection kota kelima Di sudut parkiran paling atas.
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GTA San Andreas ist Jika cheatnya berhasil, maka akan muncul notifikasi Cheat Activated di bagian pojok kiri atas layar Cheat Skill Karakter Cheatini dinamakan cheat GTA San Andreas PS2 Terlengkap. Perbedaan GTA San Andreas PS2 dan PC. Bagi Anda yang belum tau tentang GTA San Andreas PS2, sebaiknya Anda dapat menyimak informasi berikut ini. GTA atau Grand Thheft Auto merupakan sebuah permainan komputer yang basicnya adalah tembak menembak antara pemain dengan musuh. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas atau yang biasa dikenal dengan GTA San Andreas merupakan salah satu game yang sangat populer. Game ini bisa membuat para pemainnya penasaran bahkan terdapat beberapa rahasia GTA San Andreas yang belum diketahui. All Character GTA San Andreas. Alasan yang menyebabkan GTA San Andreas tak pernah sepi peminat karena game ini sangat menarik perhatian bagi setiap pemainnya, lho! Nah, salah satunya ada beberapa rahasia GTA San Andreas yang tak diketahui oleh pemainnya. Beberapa pemain yang tak mampu untuk menyelesaikan misi sehingga mereka menggunakan cheat untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan. Cheat GTA yang dipakai oleh pemain seperti untuk memunculkan senjata rahasia, menggunakan kendaraan, melakukan perlawanan, merampok dan lain sebagainya di GTA ini. Tentunya dengan menggunakan cheat, para pemain tak mengetahui beberapa misteri yang masih belum terkuak di GTA San Andreas ini. Boy Character GTA San Andreas. Jika para pemain ingin berpetualang di kota San Andreas, pasti akan menghabiskan banyak waktu cukup panjang seiring dengan menebak lokasi mana yang menyimpan segudang misteri. Apabila pemain ingin mencari senjata rahasia GTA, namun untuk memperoleh senjata, para pemainnya harus mengunjungi lokasi tersebut. Baca juga Cheat GTA 5 Terbaru 2023, Cocok Bagi Para Petualang! CJ GTA San Andreas Source Gaming Tutorial Pedia Kita akan sharing mengenai lokasi yang menyimpan senjata GTA San Andreas dan patut dikunjungi oleh para pemainnya yaitu sebagai berikut Sebenarnya ada 5 kota yang menyimpan senjata rahasia GTA ini yaitu Peta kanan bawah kota pertama. Peta kiri bawah kota kedua. Peta kiri tengah kota ketiga. Peta kiri atas hingga tengah atas kota keempat. Peta kanan atas kota kelima. Hafalkan posisi kota dan disana menyimpan banyak senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas. Di setiap lokasi ada beberapa tempat tersimpannya senjata rahasia tersebut. Berikut ini akan disebutkan beberapa lokasi beserta jenis senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang tersedia disana, simak dibawah ini ya! Baca juga Cara Ganti Karakter GTA 5 dengan Mudah, Cocok untuk Pemula Kota Pertama Berikut ini adalah beberapa senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang bisa kamu temukan di kota pertama yaitu sebagai berikut Ganton Pistol Dibelakang rumah Sweet sebelah kiri. Santa Maria Beach Pistol Ada di dekat pos yang dekat dengan jalan. Las Colinas Pistol Di lahan kosong dekat pagar. Ocean Docks Sawn-off Shotgun Di dalam box kereta kedua. East Los Santos Sawn-off Shotgun Di atap toko. Vinewood Sawn-off Shotgun Di samping gudang kecil. Palomino Creek Sawn-off Shotgun Di belakang rumah ketiga dari arah toko pizza. Las Colinas SMG Diatas tangga disamping rumah. El Corona SMG Samping pagar. Montgomery SMG Belakang pagar. East Beach Micro SMG Di sudut kiri dekat parkiran atas. Ganton Micro SMG Di atap rumah Sweet. Los Santos International Tec-9 Ada di samping tembok dekat jembatan tol. Las Colinas Tec-9 Samping pagar. Blueberry Tec-9 Di samping gudang. Ocean Docks AK47 Didalam pabrik dibawah tangga. Vinewood AK47 Dibelakang gudang. Mulholand AK47 Dibelakang toko. Red Country AK47 Dibelakang pabrik. Conference Center Silenced Pistol Berada di bagian bawah tangga. Los Santos M4 Di samping tanjakan dekat pagar bandara. Downtown Los Santos Rocket Launcher Di atap gedung yang ada tower sinyal Kota Kedua Hanya terdapat dua 2 senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang bisa kamu temukan di kota kedua yaitu sebagai berikut Westone Desert Eagle Disudut setelah pintu masuk. Angel Pine Micro SMG Dibelakang rumah. Kota Ketiga Ada senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang tersembunyi di kota ketiga yaitu sebagai berikut Garcia Pistol Di gang kecil. Garcia Desert Eagle Di sudut gang Zero’s RC Shop. Doherty Shortgun Di atap pabrik. Juniper Hollow Tec-9 Di samping pohon. Battery Point Tec-9 Di samping tembok jembatan jalan tol. Ocean Flats SMG Di latar rumah dekat bintang polisi. Esplanade North Micro SMG Di depan pintu dekat pagar. Foster Valley AK47 Di belakang bebatuan. Palisades M4 Di samping pagar rumah. Easter Bay Airport Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher Di samping tong besar. Kota Keempat Di kota keempat juga terdapat beberapa senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang bisa kamu temui yaitu Tierra Robada Pistol Di samping tembok jembatan rel kereta api. Bayside Desert Eagle Di sudut tembok taman. Lil’ Probe Inn Desert Eagle Di bawah tanjakan. Valle Ocultado Shortgun Di atas jembatan kayu. Fort Carson Shortgun Rumah setelah tikungan jalan tanah. El Quebrados SMG Di sudut belakang rumah. Tierra Robada AK47 Di samping rumah. Tierra Robada Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher Di samping tembok reruntuhan. Kota Kelima Di kota yang terakhir yaitu kota kelima pun ada banyak sekali senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang bisa kamu ambil dan pakai yaitu sebagai berikut Blackfield Silenced Pistol Di bawah jembatan stadion balap. Whitewood Estates Sawn-off Shotgun Di belakang pabrik. Redsands West Sawn-off Shotgun Di belakang box gang kecil. Las Venturas Airport Sawn-off Shotgun Di atap gedung Pilson Intersection Shotgun Di bawah jembatan jalan tol. LVA Freight Depot Combat Shotgun Di semak-semak. Randolph Industrial Estate Tec-9 Di samping tembok jembatan jalan tol. Starfish Casino SMG Di sebelah kanan parkiran paling atas. Come-A-Lot SMG Di lahan kecil. Redsands West Micro SMG Di belakang tempat sampah. Redsands West AK47 Di tengah taman. The Four Dragons Casino AK47 Di atap gedung pertama. Pilgrim M4 Di atap rumah Las Venturas Airport Rocket Launcher Di sudut box kontainer. The Emerald Isle Rocket Launcher Di sudut parkiran lantai 8. The Emerald Isle Rocket Launcher Di atap gedung parkiran. Pilson Intersection Heat-seeking Rocket Launcher Di sudut parkiran paling atas. Nah, itulah beberapa lokasi senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas. Kamu bisa menjelajah ke seluruh kota dan temukan senjata rahasia GTA San Andreas yang berada di sana. Baca juga Cara Menghasilkan Uang di GTA5 Online Buruan Top Up Game Murah dan Cepat hanya di VCGamers Marketplace! CheatKode GTA V Untuk PS3 Bahasa Indonesia Lengkap Artikel Berasal dari Erick SEO Pemula Blog Erick SEO Pemula yang berisikan tentang tips blogger, template, kontes. Folder CLEODisamping adalah letak folder- folder penting. Pasang MOD DYOM Disini (Sudah terpasang di GTA Extreme)2. Copy Paste file . Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\3. This GTA San Andreas guide will list the location of every Weapon and Tool that can be found scattered across the map of San Andreas. With a total of 38 different weapons available to fill CJ's arsenal, our detailed instructions below will guide you to the exact spawn locations of every weapon. This guide includes an update for the GTA The Trilogy - Definitive Edition release for Xbox, PC, and PS5. advertisementAll Weapon and Tool Spawn LocationsWith a total of 38 weapons to be found across 12 different weapon categories, click the links below to jump to the location of a particular weapon type. Weapons Unarmed - Fist MeleeHandgunsShotgunsSubmachine GunsAssault RiflesSniper RiflesHeavy WeaponsThrown WeaponsMiscellaneousGiftsSpecial and Unique WeaponsMeleeBaseball Bat The Baseball Bat can be found in San Fierro at Garcia in the park, at the southmost side at home plate. The Baseball Bat can be found in Las Venturas underneath the “Welcome To Dirtring” sign. The Baseball bat can be found in Las Venturas at the Las Venturas Bandits Stadium. It’ll be in the backfield next to the scoreboard. Brass Knucklesadvertisement The Brass Knuckles can be found under the bridge next to CJ’s house. In Los Santos. The Brass Knuckles can be found in Los Santos at Commerce in the alley next to a Roboi's Food Mart. The Brass Knuckles can be found in Bone County at Las Payasdas. It’ll be located south behind the giant chicken behind a house. The Brass Knuckles can be found in San Fierro in Calton Heights. It’ll be west of the wavy road behind a parking You’ll find the chainsaw in Los Santos at the Ocean Docks. It’ll be near the southmost bridge behind a stairway. You’ll find the chainsaw in Los Santos in Willowfield west of the Ammu-Nation. Go into the worksite and you’ll see the chainsaw behind a storage container. You’ll find the chainsaw in Hampton Barns in Red County, in front of a home. Go to The Panopticon in Red County and you’ll find the chainsaw next to the lumber. At the Avispa County Club in San Fierro at the tennis courts on the southmost west side, you’ll find the chainsaw. In Garcia north of the Burger Shot in San Fierro you’ll find a chainsaw in the worksite over the fence. Go north of the first savepoint in San Fierro, into the construction site. You’ll see a building that’ll let you go up, the chainsaw will be right there. Go to Hunter Quarry in Bone County and at the center of the worksite, you’ll see some machinery with stairs. Go up the stairs and you’ll find the chainsaw. In Whitewood Estates in Las Venturas west of the Burger Shot, you’ll see a warehouse. Jump the wall and you’ll find the Club At the Yellow Bell Golf Course in Las Venturas you’ll find the golf club. It’ll be on the second level of the building overlooking the course. At the Avispa County Club in San Fierro, you’ll find the golf club at the front entrance. Go to Mulholland and right behind the Vinewood sign in Los Santos you’ll find the golf club. In Angel Pines in Whetstone south of the Cluckin’ Bell, you’ll find a house with an open garage. The golf club will be inside the garage. advertisementShovel At the Las Venturas Bandits Stadium, the shovel can be found in the dugout next to home plate. At Prickle Pine in Las Venturas, the shovel can be found at the northeast most tennis court. At the Pirates In Men’s Pants in Las Venturas, you’ll find the shovel hidden in the rocks near the skull on the north side. Go to Hunter Quarry in Bone County and head to the bottom. You’ll find the shovel next to a pile of dirt on top of a container. At the save point in Fern Ridge in Red County, you’ll find the shovel next to some trees near the fence. Go to Palomino Creek in Red County, and you’ll the shovel at the cemetery southwest of the town. Go to The Panopticon in Red County and you’ll find the shovel behind the middle shack. In Los Santos go to Ryder which is right next to Cj’s home. And you’ll find a shovel in his backyard. In Whetstone northeast of Angel Pine, west of Mount Chiliad, you’ll see a worksite. Go inside and you’ll find the shovel. Go to Ocean Flats in San Fierro southwest of the Ammu-Nation you’ll find the shovel at a house closest to the sand. It’ll be in between two green buildings. Katana At the border of El Corona and Idlewood in Los Santos, you’ll find an area surrounded by wooden fences. You’ll find the katana there. At the Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas, to the left of the save point you’ll find a katana hidden by some palm trees. At the Pirates In Men’s Pants in Las Venturas, you’ll find the kanta right under the steering wheel. At the Pilgrim in Las Venturas, north of the Cluckin’ Bell, you’ll find the katana in the mini-mart. In El Quebrados in Tierra Robada, you’ll find the katana at the north-most house right next to the road. Go to Chinatown in San Fierro south of the property and you’ll find an alleyway. Follow it all the way down and you’ll find the katana. North of the clothing store in Hashbury in San Fierro you'll see a blue building. It has a stairway going down, follow it and you’ll see the katana. Pool Cueadvertisement At the Rockshore East in Las Venturas you’ll find a parking lot with lots of warehouses. The Pool Cue will be next to a building next to a trash can and a wooden pallet. Go to Blueberry in Red County and you’ll find the Pool Cue east of the Ammu-Nation. Above the save point in San Fierro in Doherty you’ll find the Pool Cue under a nearly collapsed building. Knife South of Verdant Meadows you’ll find El Castillo Del Diablo in Bone County. You’ll find the knife next to Snake Farm building in between the two cages. At the border of Bone County and Whitewood Estates, you’ll see the train tracks and an Ammu-Nation. The knife will be north of the Ammu-Nation. Go to Market in Los Santos and east of the Cluckin’ Bell you’ll find the knife in the back of a building. You’ll be able to see a giant donut over the Stick Go to Market in Los Santos and north of the Cluckin’ Bell and you’ll see a metal tower. Right next to the tower is a little building you can enter and inside is the night stick. Go to Doherty in San Fierro and south of the gym you’ll see a tiny building with a stairway. Follow the stairway up and you’ll get the night stick. At the Roca Escalante Las Venturas near the border of The Emerald Isle, you’ll see the San Andreas Police Department sign. Right behind the sign is the night stick. HandgunsadvertisementPistol In Tierra Robada you’ll see a railroad track coming from San Fierro. You’ll find a pistole underneath the pillar before crossing into Bone County Go north of the gym in Garcia at San Fierro and you’ll see a small alleyway. Go inside it and the pistol will be in the alley on your right. In Santa Marina Beach in Los Santos on the west lifeguard tower closest to the pier, you’ll find the pistol. Next to Cj’s home in Los Santos, it’ll be behind the house north of him. Go to Las Colinas in Los Santos you’ll see that there’s a gap in between some homes. Go into the gap and you’ll see the pistol. Silenced Pistol At the Conference Center in Los Santos on the west side, you’ll find the silenced pistol next to the door. Go to Blackfield in Las Venturas and you’ll find the silenced pistol underneath the little bridge next to some flowers. Desert Eagleadvertisement At the Lil' Proben Inn in Bone County, you’ll see some solar panels. You’ll find the Desert Eagle next to the panels. Go to the Bayside Marina in Tierra Robada, go west of the school and you’ll find the Desert Eagle in a brickyard that’s next to a grass hedge. Go to Garcia in San Fierro and right next to the park are some buildings. Right next to the RC building is a Go-Kart and the desert eagle. In Whetstone northeast of Angel Pine, west of Mount Chiliad, you’ll see a worksite. Go inside and you’ll find the desert eagle in a warehouse. Go to the Ocean Docks in Los Santos on the beachside. Right before you hit the fence you’ll see the desert eagle. ShotgunsSawnoff Shotgun Go north of the property in Whitewood Estates in Las Venturas and you’ll see a red warehouse. Go over the wall and on the west side you’ll see the sawnoff shotgun. East of the Blackfield Stadium in Las Ventures you’ll see some homes. There will also be an alleyway head into it and you’ll see the sawnoff shotgun next to some trash and a wooden electrical pool. Go to the Las Venturas Airport at the southeast side of it you’ll find the sawnoff shotgun on the roof of the building. Go to Palomino Creek in Red County in the center of town you’ll see a house with an American flag hanging from the garage. Go into the backyard and you’ll find the sawnoff shotgun. Go to East Los Santos and on the roof of the Pig Pen, you’ll find the sawnoff shotgun. Go to Vinewood in Los Santos and look for the studios and the metal tower. Next to Studio A you’ll find the sawnoff shotgun. Go to the Ocean Docks in Los Santos, go into the building that’s right at the start of the railroad track and you’ll find the sawnoff shotgun in an open Shotgun Go to Doherty in San Fierro and at the southmost part, you’ll see two containers. Next to the containers is the pump shotgun. Go to Valle Occupation in Tierra Robada and head to the house right next to the bridge. Go towards the end of the dock and you’ll find the pump shotgun. Go to Fort Carson in Bone County and go to the dirt road south of the town. You’ll find the pump shotgun in front of the home. Go to the Redsands West in Las Venturas north of the Las Venturas Bandits Stadium, you’ll see a billboard next to a bridge. Go under the bridge and you’ll find the pump shotgun. Combat Shotgun advertisement Go to the LVA Freight Depot in Las Venturas and right in the center hidden in some bushes you’ll find the combat shotgun. Submachine GunsMicro SMG At CJ’s home in Los Santos, go under the bridge south of his house and you’ll find the Micro SMG. Go to East Beach in Los Santos, go to the roof of the parking garage and you’ll find the Micro SMG. Go to Angel Pine in Whetstone and at the southmost trailer home next to the save point you’ll find the Micro SMG. At Esplanade North in San Fierro north of The Well Stacked Pizza Co., you’ll find the Micro SMG on the west side of the pier. Go to Verdant Meadows in Bone County and go to the westmost plane on the south side on the map. It’ll be in front of the pilot’s window in some part of the plane you can walk in. North of the Las Venturas Airport airstrip past the gate into Redsands West. You’ll see a wooden fence next to a lot of electrical poles. The Micro SMG will be next to the wall on the east side next to the Go to the Starfish Casino parking lot in Las Venturas, and get to the 6th floor. As soon as you reach the 6th floor look to your right and you’ll see the MP5. Go to Come-A-Lot in Las Venturas on the north side at the outskirts of the castle there’ll be a gap you can enter. Go into the gap you’ll see another little gap on the castle side. In the gap is the MP5. Go to El Quebrados in Tierra Robada, and head towards the trailer homes. As soon as you do, look north and you’ll see the MP5. North of the Avispa Country Club in San Fierro is the Ocean Flats. Follow the main road from the Avispa Country Club and it’ll lead you into an alley. You’ll pass a few dumpsters once you get to the third set the MP5 will be on the house to your left. Go to Montgomery in Red County and head towards the building on the northwestmost side. There’s a little opening that’ll lead you to the back, enter it and you’ll find the MP5. In Los Colinas in Los Santos head to the homes above the tracks. You’ll see a home with a staircase leading up on the west side. Go up the staircase and you’ll find the MP5. Go to Jefferson in Los Santos and head northwest of the clothing store. You’ll see an orangish building with a stairway leading up. Go up the stairway and head left and you’ll find the MP5. Go to the train station in El Corona that’s in Los Santos. You should see a wall right before the train leaves the station on your left side. Go over the wall and you’ll find the On Sweets roof in Los Santos, you’ll find a Tec9. At the Los Santos International Airport go southwest of the traffic control tower. You’ll head under a bridge and there you’ll find the Tec9. Go to Mulholland in Los Santos and go to the part that has a circle shape in the road. You’ll see a sign next to a house that says No Trespassing. Go to the back of that house and you’ll find the Tec9. Go to Blueberry in Red County head north until you reach the house on the northeast side. Head into the house, go right and you’ll find the Tec9. Go to Calton Heights in San Fierro and head north of the property you can purchase. Once you do head behind the apartments and you’ll see the Tec9 next to a tall tree. Go to Battery Ports in San Fierro and go towards Jizzy’s club. Right next to the bridge pillar you’ll find the Tec9. Go to the bridge that takes you from Red County to Las Venturas and go to the Las Venturas side. Go underneath the bridge near the water and you’ll find the Tec9 next to the pillar. Go to Las Colinas in Los Santos, and go to the fences that are directly above the freeway. Once you’re there you’ll see a Tec9 next to the fence. Assault RiflesAK47 Go to the Ocean Docks in Los Santos. Once you do get to the border of the docks and the Los Santos International Airport. Head to the back of the warehouse closest to the Airport and there will be a stairway leading up. Follow the stairway and go into the warehouse, once you’re in look behind the stairway leading down and you’ll see the AK47. Head to Vinewood in Los Santos and enter the studios. Go to the studio that’s right next to a billboard and you’ll see the AK47. Go to Mulholland in Los Santos and head southeast of Madd Dogs’ home. You’ll see Roboi's Food Mart and behind the mart is the AK47. Go south of Blueberry Acres in Red County and you’ll see a wall. Jump over the wall and you’ll see the AK47 next to the building. Go to Foster Valley in San Fierro on the south side of the building closest to the freeway. You’ll find the AK47 behind two rocks. Go to the road leading from Valle Oculto to Las Payasadas in Bone County. On the Valle Oculto, you’ll see grass on the map and it’ll have a gap of dirt and then grass again. Go to the gap of dirt and you’ll see some trailer homes, and next to the homes is the AK47. In the Redsands West northeast of the Las Venturas Airport, you’ll see an apartment complex. On the map, there’ll be a patch of grass in between the buildings. Go to the patch of grass and you’ll see the Ak47. Go to The Four Dragons Casino and on the west side of the building on the second floor, you’ll find an AK47 on the roof against the Go to Area 69 and at the south watchtower, you’ll find an M4 under the walkway. Go to Palisades in San Fierro and go to the third group of houses going up from the south side. The M4 will be in the backyard. Go to Pilgrim in Las Venturas and head to the roof of the motel and you’ll see the M4. At the end of the runway of the Los Santos International Airport, you’ll find the RiflesRifles Go to Mulholland in Los Santos and go to the first house on the northwest side. It’ll have a big grass Hegde and a pool in the back. The Rifle will be right next to the pool. Go to the Back O Beyond in Flint County, and you’ll find the rifle on top of a rock next to Shady Creeks. Sniper Rifleadvertisement Go to the south most part of Vinewood in Los Santos and head to the building that has Stage 25 written on it. Go up the stairs and you’ll find the sniper rifle. Go to the southwest part of Jefferson in Los Santos and you’ll find the sniper rifle on top of the hospital roof. Go to Mulholland in Los Santos and on the roof of the big building next to the Strain Harder billboard you’ll find the sniper rifle on that building. At the border of Downtown and Espanda East in San Fierro, you’ll find a sniper rifle on the roof across from the Otto’s Autos building. Go to the Julius Thruway in Las Venturas, and go northwest of The Well Stacked Pizza Co. You’ll find a sniper rifle on top of the church. Go to The Clown’s Pocket roof in Las Venturas, and you’ll find a sniper rifle. Go to the roof of The Four Dragons Casino in Las Venturas, and you’ll find a sniper rifle. Heavy WeaponsFlamethrower Go to the Military Fuels in Las Venturas, and you’ll find it near some containers and a yellow machine. In Flint County west of the Trucking missions, you’ll find a flame thrower next to some cabins. Go to Shady Creeks in Whetstone and you’ll find a flamethrower next to the two bridges. Go to the Easter Basin in San Fierro and you’ll find the flamethrower on top of the ship. Go north of the save point in San Fierro to Doherty. You’ll find the flamethrower next to a collapsed part of the Rocket Launcheradvertisement Go to the Easter Basin Airport in San Fierro and head towards the two containers on the north side. Once you’re there you’ll see a few containers on the east side, in between the middle one is the heat-seeking rocket launcher. Go to the southwest point of Pilson Intersection in Las Venturas. Once you do head to the top of the parking garage and you’ll find the heat-seeking rocket launcher. Go to Aldea Malvada Tierra Robada and look for the broken buildings. You’ll find the heat-seeking rocket launcher in the rubble of the buildings. Rocket Launcher Go south of the traffic control tower at the Las Venturas International Airport. You’ll find the rocket launcher near some cargo containers. Go to the 8th floor in The Emerald Isle in Las Venturas. Once you’re on that floor you’ll find a rocket launcher in the corner. Get to the roof of The Emerald Isle in Las Venturas. Once you’re on the roof make a left and once you see the stairs going up make a right. Go to the corner past the other stairs and you’ll find a rocket launcher at the edge of the building. Go to the northeast side of Downtown Los Santos and on the roof of the building with palm trees next to it, you’ll find a rocket launcher. MiniGun Go to the top of the railroad bridge that’s next to Garver Bridge and you’ll find the minigun. Go to Roca Escalante in Las Venturas and go to the underground parking garage. You’ll find a minigun next to the elevator door. Go to Rockshore East in Las Venturas and on top of the construction site you’ll find the minigun. Go to the save point in Tierra Robada on the southmost side. And you’ll find all the heavy weapons but only after completing the Vertical Bird WeaponsadvertisementSatchel Charges Go to the Avispa Country Club in San Fierro, and head to the back of the building. The satchel charges will be next to the curve of the country club. Go to Paradise in San Fierro, there’ll be a house with a ramp next to a tree. Go up the ramp and you’ll find the satchel charges. Go to the middle of Montgomery in Red County, and you’ll see an alleyway next to the bar. Go into the alley and you’ll find the satchel charges. Grenades Go to the Bayside in Tierra Robada, on the west side in an alleyway next to two green dumpsters you’ll find the grenades. Go to Santa Maria Beach in Los Santos, and go to the pier. As soon as you get on the pier you’ll see a pizza stand on the left, and a small building next to it. Go to the edge of the small building and you’ll find the grenades. Go to Idlewood in Los Santos and west of The Well Stacked Pizza Co., is a motel. Go to the motel and go up the main stairs in the center, once you’re up the stairs you’ll see the grenades. Go to East Beach in Los Santos and get to the parking garage. You’ll find the grenades on the third floor in the corner. Go to Los Colinas in Los Santos, and go to the house closest to the dirt road on the north side. You’ll find a house with a wooden fence, follow the fence and you’ll find the grenades. Go to the northeast most side of Rockshore East in Las Venturas. You’ll find the grenades in the warehouse closest to the south Cocktailadvertisement Go to the shopping plaza at Creek in Las Venturas, and you’ll find the molotov cocktail on the roof. Go to Harry Gold Parkway in Las Venturas and you’ll find the molotov cocktail hidden in some bushes. East of the Come-A-Lot castle you’ll find some buildings. Get to the roof of the building close to the Pyramid and you'll have the molotov cocktail. Go to Fort Carson in Bone County and go to the back of the liquor store. You’ll find the molotov cocktail in the back. Go to Palomino Creek in Red County in the southwest part of town. Once you’re there you’ll see a small brick building with a stairway going up. Get to the roof and you’ll find the molotov cocktail at the edge of the roof. Go to the northmost side of Vinewood in Los Santos and you’ll find the molotov cocktail next to a billboard. Go north of the Cluckin’ Bell in East Los Santos and go into the alley next to the recycling center. You’ll find the molotov cocktail in the alley. Go to the Los Santos International Airport near the border of Ocean Docks, and you’ll find the molotov cocktail under a building. Tear Gas Go to where the railroad tracks start at the Ocean Docks in Los Santos. Once you’re there head into the warehouse and you’ll find the tear gas next to some boxes. Go to the northmost part of Downtown Los Santos and right when the building curves on the map go to the stairs. You’ll find the tear gas. Go to the Las Venturas Airport and go to the yellow ramp on the left side near the runway. You’ll find the tear gas near the ramp. Go to the Military Fuels in Las Venturas and you’ll find the tear gas on the east side of the building near the gate. Go to the Easter Basin in San Fierro to the military boat. Once you’re on the boat head to the bottom where the wooden crates are and you’ll find some tear gas in the Extinguisher Go south of the Burger Shot in Prickle Pine in Las Venturas to the car wash. Before entering the wash you’ll find the fire extinguisher in a small alley. Go to Valle Ocultado in Tierra Robada and you’ll find the fire extinguisher next to the gas station. Go to the gas station at Doherty next to Easter Basin in San Fierro and you’ll find the Fire Extinguisher. Go to the gas station below Angel Pine in Whetstone and you’ll find the fire Can Go to Cj’s in Los Santos home and you’ll find the spray can upstairs in his bedroom. Go to the roof of CJ’s home in Los Santos and you’ll find it on the building right next to his house in Los Santos. Go to Los Colinas in Los Santos and look for the blue home on the hill with a rock wall. Go behind the home and you’ll find the spray can. Go to the Sobell Rail Yards in Las Venturas and go to the ones on the north side. And you’ll find the spray can in between the gap on the middle left Go to Cj’s in Los Santos home and you’ll find the camera can upstairs in his bedroom Go to Foster Valley in San Fierro and go to the white building on the southeast side. You’ll find the camera next to a loading facility. Go to Easter Basin in San Fierro and go to the start end of the railroad track next to the ship. You’ll find the camera at the edge of the dock. Esplanade North in San Fierro north and the camera will be next to The Well Stacked Pizza Co. Go to Santa Flora in San Fierro and enter the parking lot. Once inside go to the far right corner and you’ll see the camera. Go to Missionary Hills in San Fierro. It'll be next to the rock wall and fence. All Special and Unique WeaponsListed below are all special and unique weapon spawns that can be found across GTA San Andreas' map. advertisementNight Vision Goggles They will only spawn after completing Breaking The Bank At Caligula's Go to the middle building in Foster Valley in San Fierro. And the Night Vision Goggles will be next to a glass door. Go to Madd Dogs’ home in Los Santos and you’ll find them next to the bar. Go to Area 69 and the night vision goggles will be on top of a watch tower, on the north side. Thermal Goggles They will only spawn after completing Black Project Go to Area 69 and in the control tower you’ll find the thermal goggles. Go to the 'The Big Ear' in Tierra Robada and you’ll find the thermal goggles under the satellite. Go to Garcia in San Fierro and head inside the RC shop. Once inside you’ll find the thermal goggles in the back. Go to Madd Dogs’ home in Los Santos, and you’l find them next to the couches near the Go to the Financial area in San Fierro south of The Well Stacked Pizza Co. You should be able to enter the tall building. Once inside it’ll take you to the roof, where you’ll find a parachute. Go southeast of The Big Ear’ and you’ll see a tower with a ladder. Go next to the ladder and it’ll take you to the top. Once you get to the top you’ll see the parachute. Go to the south part of Downtown Los Santos and you’ll see a building that lets you enter it with a yellow mark. Go inside and it’ll take you to the roof and you’ll find the parachute. Go to the center marking of Mount Chiliad in Tierra Robada. Go to Arco Del Oeste in Tierra Robada at the top. Once you’re at the top look for the broken wooden shack and inside is the parachute. Get to the roof of The Emerald Isle in Las Venturas and you’ll find a parachute. GiftsVibratoradvertisement Go to the Bayside in Tierra Robada. It'll be found at a construction site behind some trash. Dildo Go to Dillimore in Red County police station and you can find the dildo in the shower. In Pershing Square in Los Santos, you’ll find the police station and you can find the dildo in the Go west of The Sherman Dam in Bone County and you’ll see a memorial. In front of the memorial, you’ll find flowers. At the Bayside Marina in Tierra Robada north of the boating school, you’ll find flowers in front of a house. Go to Palisades in San Fierro north of the waterfall and you'll see the flowers. In Flint County west of Flint Range where the road has a massive lower case N shape, you’ll find the flowers at the tip of the road. At Glen Park in Los Santos go east of the lake, and you’ll see the flowers next to a palm tree. North of the Las Venturas Airport airstrip past the gate into Redsands West you’ll see a house. In the front yard, it should have a few trees and you’ll see the In the middle of City Hall in San Fierro, go to the west building. You’ll find the cane in the grass next to the small stairway. In Downtown in San Fierro, you’ll find the cane right next to the Victims clothing store entrance. In Flint County in the same building as the trucking mission, you’ll find the cane all the way in the back. You’ll find the can in Los Santos in Temple northwest of the Ammu-Nation in market. The cane will be next to a giant palm tree in the back of some apartment buildings. You’ll find the cane at the Pilgrim Motel entrance in Las Venturas. You’ll find the cane at the Yellow Bell Station in Las Venturas. Over the hedge next to a wooden electrical pool on the border of Prickle To The Top!Up Next Best WeaponsWas this guide helpful?In This Guide
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Weapons in GTA San Andreas. Weapon Wheel in GTA San Andreas - The Definitive Edition. The following is a list of weapons that can be used in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Contents[] Grand Theft Auto San Andreas features 38 different weapons and three special items, where they follow the same mechanics as in previous titles, however, the arsenal has been expanded with the introduction of "consumable items", as well as "gifts", which are primarily used for girlfriends and optionally used as melee weapons. Auto-aim[] A notable improvement over previous games is the auto-aiming system on every weapon except the Rifle, the Sniper Rifle, projectiles, or any of the heavy weapons, which occurs when the target is within the weapon's range determined by the type of weapon and the player's proficiency with that weapon based on the skill and takes the priority on the closest target when facing multiple NPCs. Another feature of this improvement is the targeting lock that changes color as the target's health decreases. Green progresses to orange, which progresses to red, and finally black upon the target's death. The Auto-aim also seems to bear a strong resemblance to the execution system in Rockstar's Manhunt, where the darker the color or the target, the more gruesome the execution; in GTA San Andreas, the darker the color of the target, the less health of the target. Weapon Skill[] Another notable feature is a weapon skill system; where it determines the general proficiency of the player with the weapons. This increases when the player shoots accurately. Getting a high Weapon Skill increases the ability with weapons and grants more versatility when used. There are three levels of skill "Poor", "Gangster", and "Hitman". One can view the weapon skills two ways Wielding the weapon, then press L1, LT, or TAB. The skill level appears in the stat box in the bottom corner of the screen. In the menu, select Stats, then Weapons. Each weapon type displays one of three labels "Poor", "Gangster", or "Hitman". If one is wielding a weapon, one will also see their current skill level for that weapon. Gangster[] Gangster level is reached when the meter is 20% to 50% filled. When Gangster is reached with certain weapons, you're able to move while aiming, and your lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe speed increase All type of Shotguns note you can already move while aiming/firing the sawn-off shotgun AK-47 Desert Eagle M4 Micro SMG note you can already move while aiming/firing this weapon SMG Pistol note you can already move while aiming/firing this weapon Silenced Pistol Tec-9 note you can already move while aiming/firing this weapon Hitman[] Hitman level is reached when the meter is 100% filled. When Hitman is reached with certain weapons, your lock-on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe speed increase further, and you're able to fire these weapons while moving AK-47 Combat Shotgun Desert Eagle M4 SMG Silenced Pistol Shotgun Double Weapon Hitman[] One new feature is the ability to duel-wield certain weapons after reaching Hitman weapon skill level. These weapons are light enough and feature reloading that is compatible with holding one in each hand. This allows the player to inflict twice the amount of damage per reload cycle. For weapons that have Double Weapon Hitman, it takes longer to reach 100% weapon skill opposed to other weapons that can only be wielded with both hands. When you reach Double Weapon Hitman, you can wield two of the below weapons simultaneously, and your lock-on range increases Micro SMG Pistol9 mm Sawn-Off Shotgun Tec-9 Types[] Here is a list of the available weapon slots, and the weapons that can be used in those slots. Weapons in italics can be dual-wielded. Slot 1 Hand Fist Brass Knuckles Slot 2 Melee Weapons Knife Golf Club Shovel Pool Cue Nightstick Baseball Bat Katana Chainsaw Slot 3 Handguns Pistol Rate of fire 165 RPM poor, 200 gangster, 300 hitman [dual-wielded] Silenced Pistol Rate of fire 130 poor, 150 gangster, 165 hitman Desert Eagle Rate of fire 65 poor, 75 gangster, 85 hitman Slot 4 Shotguns Shotgun Rate of fire 55 RPM Sawn-off Shotgun Rate of fire 200 poor & gangster, 400 hitman [dual-wielded] Combat Shotgun Rate of fire 150 poor, 180 gangster & hitman Slot 5 Submachine Guns Tec-9 Rate of fire 450 poor & gangster, 900 hitman [dual-wielded] Micro SMG Rate of fire 450 poor & gangster, 900 hitman [dual-wielded] SMG Rate of fire 650 RPM Slot 6 Assault Rifles AK-47 Rate of fire 450 RPM M4 Rate of fire 450 RPM Slot 7 Rifles Sniper Rifle Rate of fire 55 RPM Rifle Rate of fire 55 RPM Slot 8 Heavy Weapons Flamethrower Rate of fire 180 Rocket Launcher Rate of fire 55 Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher Rate of fire 55 Minigun Rate of fire 1800 RPM Slot 9 Explosives Tear Gas Molotov Cocktail Frag Grenade Satchel Charges Slot 10 Handheld Items Fire Extinguisher Rate of fire 1800 Spray Can Rate of fire 1200 Camera Rate of fire 33 Slot 11 Gifts Flowers Cane Dildo Vibrator Slot 12 Gear Night Vision Goggles Thermal Vision Goggles Parachute Slot 13 Others Detonator The following table lists weapons based on their types and categories assigned to them in the files. Unarmed Melee Weapons Handguns Shotguns Fist Brass Knuckles Knife Nightstick Pool Cue Golf Club Baseball Bat Shovel Katana Chainsaw Pistol/9mm Silenced Pistol/9mm Desert Eagle Sawnoff Shotgun Shotgun Spaz 12/ 12 Submachine Guns Assault Rifles Sniper Rifles Heavy Weapons Tec9 Micro SMG SMG AK47 M4 Rifle/Country Rifle Sniper Rifle Flamethrower Minigun Rocket Launcher Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher Thrown Weapons Consumable Items Gifts Special Tear Gas Molotov Cocktail Grenade Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives Camera Spray Can Fire Extinguisher Dildo Vibrator Flowers Cane Detonator Night Vision Thermal Vision Parachute Vehicle Weapons[] Imagery Table[] NOTE Click on the images to go to their articles, or hover over the image to reveal the weapon's name. Unarmed Melee Weapons Handguns Shotguns Submachine Guns Assault Rifles Sniper Rifles Heavy Weapons Thrown Weapons Consumable Items Gifts Special Additional Information[] Standard Issue Weaponry[] Weapons mandatorily added to Carl's inventory in accordance with storyline scripts. Mission Weapons Given Tagging Up Turf Spray Can unlimited propellant, later reduced to 1000 units Nines and AK's 9mm unlimited ammo, +60 rounds after Emmet's shooting practice Madd Dogg's Rhymes Knife Burning Desire - Molotov Cocktail +20 bottles - Fire Extinguisher unlimited CO2, later removed Just Business Micro SMG unlimited ammo, later reduced to 80 rounds Reuniting the Families - Shotgun +60 shells - AK-47 unlimited ammo, later removed The Green Sabre Camera unlimited films, given after all weapons are removed Badlands Camera unlimited films, later reduced to 36 Against All Odds Satchel Charges +10 Small Town Bank Shotgun adds up to 48 shells, +48 if sawn-off or combat shotguns are owned Are You Going To San Fierro? - Flamethrower +300 units of fuel, later replaced by - Rocket Launcher 10 rockets Photo Opportunity Camera unlimited films, later reduced to 24 if not already owned The Da Nang Thang - Minigun unlimited ammo, removed along with all weapons after Maverick is destroyed - Knife added to inventory after being shot down, later replaced by - Katana Snail Trail Sniper Rifle +5 rounds Ice Cold Killa Silenced 9mm +200 rounds Pier 69 Sniper Rifle up to 24 rounds are added Toreno's Last Flight Rocket Launcher +60 rockets, later removed Interdiction Rocket Launcher +40 rockets Stowaway Satchel Charges +1 if no charges are owned Black Project - Knife - Silenced 9mm +70 rounds - Sniper Rifle +35 rounds - Thermal Goggles - Micro SMG +200 rounds Green Goo Micro SMG +2000 rounds Freefall 9mm unlimited ammo, later removed if not owned Vertical Bird - Knife - Silenced 9mm +30 rounds End of the Line - Night Vision Goggles - Fire Extinguisher unlimited CO2 - Micro SMG set to 120 rounds Dam and Blast - Knife Architectural Espionage Camera +20, if not owned Breaking the Bank at Caligula's - Knife - Silenced 9mm +300 rounds - Tear Gas +10 canisters, later replaced by - Satchel Charges +10 - Night Vision Goggles Weapon names highlighted in Italic denotes the items as pickups, but compulsory in order to progress the game. Optional Pick-ups[] Weapons explicitly made available during certain missions, missable if not collected. Mission Weapon Pickups Cleaning the Hood Baseball Bat Badlands Camera 24 films, if removed from inventory before photographing the corpse Against All Odds Satchel Charges +15 Outrider - Sniper Rifle up to 40 rounds are available to collect - Rocket Launcher up to 20 rockets Discrepancies[] At least six missions in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas feature differing weapons for their respective cutscenes and gameplay. They are Mission Users Cutscene Weapon Gameplay Weapon Ryder Lance "Ryder" Wilson Glock 17 Pistol Colt M1911A1 The Green Sabre Eddie Pulaski -> Carl Johnson unknown model Camera Canon AE-1 Mike Toreno Mike Toreno Glock 17 Micro SMG IMI Micro Uzi Stowaway CIA agents Colt M16A2 Micro SMG IMI Micro Uzi Beat Down on B Dup Sean "Sweet" Johnson Desert Eagle AK-47 End of the Line Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris Combat Shotgun Franchi SPAS-12 AK-47 End of the Line Frank Tenpenny Combat Shotgun Franchi SPAS-12 Pump Shotgun Ithaca 37 Beta Weapons[] There are additional so-called beta weapons that are not available for use in the game but rather often depicted in several ways, usually during in-game cutscenes A wooden bat is used by Big Smoke during the cutscenes of his eponymous mission and Running Dog. First Date features a smaller version of a normal knife used by Catalina. It doesn't even have any texture files. The full-size Uz-I 9mm featured in Grand Theft Auto Vice City can be seen in some pre-release material and in Big Smoke' statue. The HUD icon of the Micro SMG depicts the Mac 10 from Grand Theft Auto Vice City instead of the corresponding Micro SMG. The HUD icon of the Sniper Rifle depicts the PSG1 from Grand Theft Auto Vice City. An unused texture for the spray can is seen on some preview screenshots. The Python from Grand Theft Auto Vice City is featured as a sign on the entrance of Ammu-Nation. Several guns can be seen on shelves/racks in Ammu-Nation, which are Steyr AUG, Galil Norinco Type 64, Galil AR, various revolvers, Calico M110, MAC-10, Spectre M4, Heckler & Koch MP5K, IMI Uzi, Calico M950, Intratec TEC-9, AK-47, FAMAS, Thompson and Heckler & Koch G3A3. In the mission Stowaway, the crates seen near the vehicles contain a silhouette of what appears to be an MP5K. Explosive Situation features a better textured golf club used by Woozie. The shovel used by Tenpenny in the mission High Noon is different. It can also be spotted in the Introduction film. Saint Mark's Bistro features a throwing knife used by Maria Latore. A smaller and blue parachute can be seen in a demonstration video in Learning to Fly. It also appears in A Home in the Hills. Some other cutscenes also depict a Glock-based Pistol, which is different from the M1911-based one used in-game. Missions including but not limited to The Introduction, The Green Sabre, First Base and Home Coming. Trivia[] The TEC-9, Flamethrower, and Minigun are the only weapons which, when fired, do not move CJ's body. Oddly enough, melee weapons such as the Chainsaw can be used to amass large sums of money in short periods of time, if the player correctly utilizes the weapon with no law enforcement in their vicinity. Much like the Baseball Bat in Grand Theft Auto III, where the player can kill literally thousands of citizens with no wanted level if planned correctly. There are three different ways to get infinite ammo for guns. First, the player can buy a lot of any type of gun to stock up ammo; Secondly, the player can use the infinite ammo cheat; Thirdly, the player must acquire 100% game completion. The Tec-9 and Micro SMG are the only weapons that share the same weapon skill that is shown in stats as machine pistol. Weapons that can be dual wielded at Hitman level take significantly longer time to level up. CJ will be stripped of all his weapons twice during the main storyline once after The Green Sabre, again during The Da Nang Thang and optionally if parachuted into the water during Dam and Blast. Glitch[] It is possible to get infinite ammo by going to a shooting range in some Ammu-Nation shops. Select a firearm of choice excluding heavy and throwable weapons and enter the shooting range, right after the screen turns black, press the escape button a few times and wait for CJ to teleport back in the shop; the player will notice sometimes, rarely or never the ammo of the firearm they're holding have doubled, keep doing this with the help of luck and when the ammo reaches until a point that the amount disappears, then it will become unlimited. Players who are looking for an alternative way to make the ammo amount on the HUD icon disappear can simply buy ammo till it reaches 9999-?? and then pick up any weapon via police that they've dropped. See Also[] Weapon Stats in GTA San Andreas Navigation[]  Navigationv • d • eGrand Theft Auto seriesGrand Theft AutoProtagonists Liberty City and New Guernsey San Andreas Vice City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsGrand Theft AutoLondonLondon 1969Protagonists London Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsLondon 1961Protagonists London Manchester Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stationsGrand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists Anywhere City Downtown Residential Industrial Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsGrand Theft Auto III Claude Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsVice CityTommy Vercetti Vice City Characters Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsSan AndreasCarl Johnson State of San Andreas Los Santos • San Fierro • Las Venturas • Red County • Flint County • Whetstone • Bone County • Tierra Robada Characters Missions Gangs Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsAdvanceMike Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Soundtrack CheatsLiberty City StoriesToni Cipriani Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsVice City StoriesVictor Vance Vice City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsGrand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic Liberty City Alderney Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsGrand Theft AutoEpisodes from Liberty CityThe Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz Liberty City Alderney Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsThe Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez Liberty City Alderney Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsChinatown WarsHuang Lee Liberty City Characters Gangs Missions Vehicles Weapons Radio stations CheatsGrand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa Trevor Philips Franklin Clinton Southern San Andreas Los Santos County Blaine County State of North Yankton Ludendorff Characters Gangs Missions Weapons Vehicles Radio stations Achievements/Trophies CheatsGrand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist Crews Organizations Motorcycle Clubs Southern San Andreas Los Santos County Blaine County The Caribbean Cayo Perico Missions Jobs Gangs Vehicles Weapons Radio stations Reputation Arena Points LS Car Meet Content Updates Events Achievements/Trophies AwardsRelatedUpcoming Grand Theft Auto title Collectibles Multiplayer Modifications Controversy v • d • eWeaponsListsAll Weapons Category Beta Weapons Cutscene WeaponsTypesMelee Weapons Handguns Machine Pistols Submachine Guns Shotguns Assault Rifles Sniper Rifles Heavy Weapons Thrown Weapons Vehicle Mounted WeaponsWeapons inGTA Online GTA V Chinatown Wars GTA IV The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony Vice City Stories Liberty City Stories Advance GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City GTA III GTA 2 GTA and London PacksCategoriesGTA Online GTA V Chinatown Wars GTA IV The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony Vice City Stories Liberty City Stories Advance GTA San Andreas GTA Vice City GTA III GTA 2 GTA and London PacksRelated topicsPickups Ammu-Nation Phil's Army Surplus Phil's Place Phil Cassidy's Fully Cocked Gun Shop Stonewall J's Weapon Vehicles Shooting Ranges Drive-By Shooting Cover System v • d • eGrand Theft Auto San AndreasLocationsState of San Andreas Los Santos San Fierro Las Venturas Red County Flint County Whetstone Tierra Robada Bone CountyCharactersCarl "CJ" Johnson Sean "Sweet" Johnson Kendl Johnson Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris Lance "Ryder" Wilson Cesar Vialpando Frank Tenpenny Wu Zi Mu Mike Toreno Ken RosenbergContentMissions Vehicles Weapons Assets Characters Clothing Tattoo Parlors Radio Stations Gang WarfareInformation100% Completion Achievements/Trophies Weapon Stats Player's Stats Cheats Trailers Artworks v • d • eWeapons in Grand Theft Auto San AndreasUnarmedFist Brass KnucklesMeleeBaseball Bat Chainsaw Golf Club Katana Knife Nightstick Pool Cue ShovelHandgunDesert Eagle Pistol/9mm Silenced Pistol/9mmShotgunCombat Shotgun Shotgun Sawn-Off ShotgunSMGMicro SMG SMG Tec9AssaultAK-47 M4SniperRifle/Country Rifle Sniper RifleHeavyFlamethrower Rocket Launcher Heat-Seeking Rocket Launcher MinigunThrownGrenade Molotov Satchel Charges/Remote Explosives Tear GasConsumable ItemsFire Extinguisher Spray Can CameraGiftsCane Dildo Flowers VibratorSpecialCar Bomb Detonator Night Vision Parachute Thermal VisionOtherCrates Surface-to-Air Missile Flares Vibrator 1 Dildo 2BetaGlock Python Mac-10 MP5K PSG1 M60 Nail Bat Meat Cleaver Machete Screwdriver Sledgehammer Hammer Skateboard Stubby Shotgun Land Mine

GrandTheft Auto : San Andreas Easter Egg - Half-Life . Ini jelas merupakan referensi permainan Half-Life , di mana ia adalah senjata khas Gordon Freeman . Plus, di Area 69 ini sangat mirip dengan Facility Black Mesa Penelitian Half -Life (baik yang didasarkan pada area 51 yang nyata ) kalo mau mudah kok soal nya tempat ini letak
  • letak senjata di gta san andreas